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Simple Tips For Making The Most Of A Small Bedroom

By November 15, 2024No Comments
Wooden Callan bedroom furniture

Space is always at a premium when it comes to property, and this is often apparent in the room that we spend more time than any other – the bedroom.

If the saying “no room to swing a cat” sounds familiar when describing your bedroom or bedrooms, then you have come to the right place. This article is crammed full of useful tips to help turn your bedroom from cramped to cosy.

So, whether you are going for a complete makeover, a partial refurnish, or simply want your existing room to be a more comfortable space, then you will find practical ideas that make bedtimes something to cherish.

Great small bedroom ideas

From flats to idyllic cottages, one problem that homeowners always seem to face is how to make the most out of a small bedroom.

Here is our guide to transforming even the most confined of bedrooms.

1.    Clever use of lighting

One factor that is often overlooked when trying to get the most out of any small room is the lighting. Okay, so clever lighting might not produce more space, but it can give the impression of it.

If the perception of a room makes it look and feel larger than it is in reality, then you have a great foundation for creating a bright and airy space that gives an illusion of size.

Make the most of natural light during daylight hours by ensuring that windows have an uninterrupted view of the room. This helps by bringing the airy feel of the outdoors into the room. Clever use of mirrors and other reflective surfaces can help turn even the pokiest of rooms into a bright and airy room.

Night-time lighting is a bit trickier, you certainly don’t want bright white light illuminating the room just before you plan to sleep. But a few small lamps that produce a warm light and are strategically placed to highlight important places like dressers and bedside cabinets work wonderfully. Doing this will produce a warm and comfortable atmosphere and still give an illusion of space.

2.    Use an under the bed storage solution

By definition, a bedroom is going to have a bed or beds in it. This is almost certainly going to be the biggest hog of the available space, yet it is essential. The obvious solution is to make sure that the bed isn’t just a bed but can double as a storage space.

Under the bed storage can be as simple as a few storage boxes that can slip under the bed but be sure to measure carefully before you rush out and buy your boxes. Alternatively, many beds come with storage built into their design. A great example of how a bed can be practical yet super stylish is the beautifully crafted Callan bed.

Under-bed storage can be a practical solution for storing seasonal clothing, rarely used items, documents and files, and items of nostalgic value.

3.    Maximise the use of wall space

It is a simple fact that small bedrooms are going to have a lot more wall space than floor space. Slimline furniture that is tall rather than wide, shelving, turning alcoves into cupboards or open storage all can help to maximise the use of every square inch of real estate.

There is no magic solution that fits all rooms. The trick is to be creative, look around the room with fresh eyes that consider the walls not as a restriction but as an opportunity.

A mix of shelving and slimline bedroom furniture can make a huge difference to the feel of a room without any loss of functionality. Many manufacturers produce slimline versions of their furniture, like the fantastic Greystones range.

4.    Use light colours

Darker shades loom and seem to draw walls closer together. Whereas lighter shades have the exact opposite effect. Go for a light colour palette when decorating and furnishing your room, and the effect will be a light and airy room that feels bigger than it is.

The colour scheme isn’t just restricted to your choice of paint and wallpaper. Headboards, furnishings, fabrics, and wall hangings all have a part to play as well. These can be paired to add to the overall brightness of the room, but also as a way of giving some contrast and warmth by adding some rich colours to break up the lines of the overall brightness.

A great example of how furnishings can accomplish this is the Cologne range of bedroom furnishings. This beautifully crafted furniture blends a light finish with the contrast of natural oak and brass to give a bright yet warm finish that will grace any small room.

5.    Tidy and Declutter

It seems by default that most of the stuff that doesn’t have a regular home will inevitably gravitate its way to the bedroom. Living rooms are the public face of our homes, and as such, we tend to keep them clutter-free. Whereas kitchens and bathrooms are functional rooms that are usually already full of their own gear by necessity.

This leaves our bedrooms as the rooms where most of our clutter ends up. If this sounds familiar, then perhaps the time has come to ask one simple question: Just how much of this clutter is useless?

The chances are a large percentage of it will be. If your already small bedroom is full of clutter, then a simple spring-clean might be all that is needed.

Similarly, small rooms can be a nightmare to keep tidy, but this can make a whole load of difference in giving your room a bigger feel. A chest of drawers will take up the same space, whether it is empty or full. So, if you have empty drawers and a dressing table surface crammed to overflowing, then a quick tidy will make all the difference.

Making the little things count

A small bedroom can be transformed into a bright and airy space with a little attention to detail and careful choice of colour scheme and furnishings.

At Kingsbury Furniture, our friendly and expert staff are always at hand to ensure that you get the most out of any room in your house. Why not contact us today, or drop in and see us and find out more about making the best of smaller bedrooms.